What is Greo?
Greo is a fun, safe way to discuss politics and culture without trolling and abuse. Record your opinions in short 60-second selfie videos and your followers respond with their own videos. Unlike anonymous & text-based approaches, video communication presents a more personal mode of interaction, encouraging healthy and meaningful engagement.
Why Greo?
In the Age of Trump, people are collectively weary of the state of online discourse. Our generation is done bickering with internet trolls and yearns for fun, healthy, engaging conversations on the web. On college campuses, people were flooding to Facebook Twitter, and Yik Yak for these town hall discussions. They were faced with trolling, abuse, and hate-speech that made it impossible to engage productively.
How is Greo unique?
There are no text posts or comments on the platform, and no anonymous profiles. Instead, you record a video, and users respond directly with their own response video to create face-to-face dialogue. Responses are threaded to create a seamless video conversation that is easy to follow along.